If you find it hard to remember wishing Mother’s Day, pay your bills within due date, keep all your receipts in wallet, know your monthly grocery list or to manage and organize anything and everything in your life seamlessly, then Smartlyfe is just designed for you. Smartlyfe is an online application that provides you with tools to organize and manage different aspects of your personal and family life. Create and manage your priorities, tasks and dreams with Smartlyfe -- a life management application for busy families and individuals. With Smartlyfe, you can manage your contacts, family members, important dates, bills, bank accounts, shopping lists, documents and IDs, tasks/chores, tickets, vouchers, cards, health, stocks and the list is endless. Smartlyfe lets you co-manage different matters of life along with other people in groups, such as your family members, friends or colleagues. The aim is to create a virtual Personal Assistant for any and every individual without having to foot the bill. If its in your life, its in your Smartlyfe. http://smartlyfe.com